How to clear a blockage in a pipe in the bathroom - ways and means

What is the best way to clear a blockage in a pipe? This is not an easy task, so many owners call a master whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don’t have to spend time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why do pipes get clogged, how to clear a blockage in a pipe? The main cause of traffic jams is accumulated debris over time, soap residue, dirt, hair, and so on. Clogging suggests that water does not drain well or does not pass into the sewer at all. If the pipes are not cleaned in time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to the fact that the bath will deteriorate, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you must first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Easy Ways to Clear Clogs

If you are faced with a blockage problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you start cleaning, you will need to remove the visible causes of blockage (dishwashing residue, hair and other debris). Then you will need the easiest to use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device has been helping owners for a long time both to clear the blockage in the bathroom and to eliminate it in any other bathroom.

  • Regardless of what is clogged - a sink or a bathtub, it is necessary to fill everything with water and clog the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger when the sewer pipes become clogged, the pressure created by the water does not decrease.
  • Install the plunger over the stack hole, pressing down on the handle to pressurize the pipes. It is necessary to pump water several times, then sharply remove the plunger. The blockage should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure with the plunger several times.

If it doesn’t help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be split by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean the drains in the bathroom using improvised means. Knowing them is useful, since such a problem is most often taken by surprise. To use folk remedies for cleaning, you will need a plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to put a container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it in order to see if it is clogged with debris, if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to accumulate, then the spillway is completely clogged and pipe cleaning is required.
  • It is necessary to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable into the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, it will be overcoming the first bend. And the next cleansing jerk will eliminate the cork. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not pass, you do not need to push it there by force. It can break and stay there, and the pipes in the bathroom become unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself, there is a good and easy way. To do this, wrap a bottle (2 l) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to circle it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the circled pattern, starting to cut from above. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then, along the entire spiral on both sides, we make notches, the so-called teeth. A home-made plumbing cable has formed, with which you can try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaners

Today, on the shelves of stores you can find a lot of chemicals that will help in the question of how to eliminate blockages in the bathroom or sink. But there is a slight difficulty, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals that will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not become clogged in the near future.

Before using chemistry, it is still recommended to attempt to clean the pipes mechanically (cable, plunger). Any procedures for cleaning blockages with chemicals harm the material, which is especially true for plastic pipes.

Here are a few simple ways and improvised means that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemistry

There are many household chemicals that can be found in any supermarket. For instance:

  • Mole for clearing pipe blockages;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Potkhan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such products are poured into the sink, bathroom and left for half an hour. For more information, see the instructions that come with the pipe blockage products. It is best to leave it overnight or for a long period, so that it not only removes the blockage, but also cleans up all the dirt behind it, due to which the pipe is clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not clog over time. It would seem that new pipes are a way out, because old ones, in addition to user debris, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal peeling, etc.

Just for new plastic pipes, there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, cleaning chemicals can damage the material, especially PVC. Therefore, it is not worth rushing to “save” pipes in this way. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

From now on, you need to try to prevent food debris, hair and other things from getting in, because of which the drain in the sink or any other plumbing can become clogged. At the same time, it is useful to periodically carry out preventive measures so that the plumbing does not become clogged.

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